My @lunchboxbunch twitter profile (which is reaching 20,000 followers) was recently chosen as one of the best Green and Organic twitter feeds in the 100 Awesome Twitter Feeds for Healthy-Minded Moms list. It's a fabulous resource for moms and anyone seeking healthy and reliable tweets. Topics include Stress and Balance, Green and Organic, Recipes, Fitness and Diet, Safety, Health News and more! I've posted the top Green and Organic list ahead...
Read the entire list of 100 twitter feeds here:
100 Awesome Twitter Feeds for Healthy-Minded Moms.
*and it's not just for moms-this list has a lot of great profile/feed resources for anyone looking to live happy and healthy!
Here is the topic that I am featured in:
Organic and Green Living
Eco-moms tweet about healthy and safe products, diets and lifestyle choices:
55. @TastyMom: Follow this feed for information from the organic baby food company.
56. @deliciousliving: Get ideas for better, greener living from this feed that shares recipes and more.
57. @lunchboxbunch: Learn about whole foods and wellness here.
58. @LighterFootstep: Get cheap ideas for living green.
59. @JollyGreenGirl: This natural mom and "eco-fashionista" tweets about green brands and more.
60. @thegreenparent: Jenn Savedge tweets about natural remedies, green eating, diaper alternatives and more.
61. @teensturningre: Teens Turning Green tweets about all the inspiring green projects they take on.
62. @Green_Parents: Get green living tips and giveaways for eco-conscious families here.
63. @barleyandbirch: Follow this brand, which creates eco-friendly clothing for kids and babies, on Twitter.
64. @care2: Learn about all things green and healthy on Care2’s Twitter feed.
65. @shopOrganic: Learn about organic shopping deals here.
66. @VEGdaily: Vegetarian families will like this feed that shares health, cooking and lifestyle news.
67. @mattyhick: @mattyhick tweets about greening your home from Brooklyn.
68. @Treehugger: Learn about the products and lifestyle tips that are safe for your family and the environment.
69. @madonnacramer: This feed combines healthy and eco living with mom survival tips, deals and more.