If you are thinking about starting a blog, you have come to the right place! I hope those bubbling sparks of inspiration can churn and grow into something big, beautiful and full of opportunity for you!
But, why start a blog in 2019???
Wait, why would I want to start a blog in 2019 when I have Instagram and Pinterest and so much more to document my life and create an audience???
Honestly, it's a valid question. But I strongly believe blogs have value now and will continue to have value in the future. So many people (like me!) have even come to make their blogs their full-time careers. But here is why I think you need a blog and not just a social media presence...
The answer: with a blog, you own your content. If those social media platforms go the way of say, MySpace, in five or even ten years, your blog will still be there - still be yours.
Also, it's pretty cool when your readers come directly to you. They are seeking out something of value that you are bringing them! With nothing else to distract them. A feed to scroll, another account to browse.
It's all about your content.
Here you can really bring the most value to your readers. And in turn, churn as much monetization as possible via the fact that hey look ma...
...I built a brand! Yay!
So here they are, my five simple reasons to start a blog....
5 Reasons Why You Should To Start a Blog:
- Document Your Life. I love that I have a record of all my favorite recipes and life experiences over the years.
- Express Yourself. Creating a blogpost is a wonderful way for kids, teens, college students and adults to create something and share. To tell their stories. What will YOUR story be about? It is also a wonderful creative outlet!
- Join a Community! Meet amazing people by attending industry meet-ups and events and interacting online. There might be way more bloggers around these days than back when I started in 2007, but trust me, via Facebook Groups and recipe round-ups, cookbook promotions and interviews - we all still work together to lift eachother up when possible. Plus, bloggers are always really friendly and interesting people, IMHO.
- Career Path + Ownership of Content. You blog can open doors in the industry your are passionate about. Monetize your blog, interact with your favorite brands and maybe even make blogging your full time career. Blogging can lead to book deals, consulting jobs and many more career opportunities.
And these days, owning your content via your website is a huge deal. When all your content is on a platform like Instagram or YouTube, you risk having that platform disappearing (I mean, it's not likely, but look at MySpace and Friendster!) ... it could happen. And in general, having your own space to connect and attract your readers is a pretty big deal. You control the value you bring to your audience. This part is more fully discussed in my 10 Steps to Blogging Success post. - Have Fun. Blogging gives you reason to explore new adventures, try new things, tell stories, share, read and learn. Getting creative, interacting with your readers, sharing your story and pressing that "post" button is just plain happiness-inducing.