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slides = {
"title": "Top Twenty Vegan Desserts NYC",
"slides": [
"title": "Babycakes NYC",
"desc": "Babycakes NYC will leave your brain swirling in more than one sweet-treat-craving direction. Signature goodie: frosted cupcake.",
"img": "http://lh5.ggpht.com/_Dwex9AQ8IuA/S82i4_6EBHI/AAAAAAAAUGo/-jNTeE6aGH8/babycakes-blueberry-frosted-cupcake.jpg"
"title": "Babycakes NYC",
"desc": "...I also love Babycakes vegan doughnuts. The cinnamon sugar flavor is my fave.",
"img": "http://lh5.ggpht.com/_Dwex9AQ8IuA/S82i5USyoHI/AAAAAAAAUGw/4tJ1YYYkLGM/babycakes-cinnamon-sugar-doughnut.jpg"
"title": "Gobo",
"desc": "Gobo's vegan chocolate cake with green tea dust is chocolate cake perfection. Creamy sweet icing crammed between spongy fluffy cake.",
"img": "http://lh4.ggpht.com/_Dwex9AQ8IuA/S82jEdvZOsI/AAAAAAAAUG8/s8D3g2Fk_qM/gobo-chocolate-cake.jpg"
"title": "Viva Herbal Pizzeria",
"desc": "The Peanut Butter Pie from Viva Herbal Pizzeria is incredible. Decadence defined. For a chocolate-peanut butter lover, this creamy, cool slice is dessert heaven.",
"img": "http://lh3.ggpht.com/_Dwex9AQ8IuA/S82hFgrb7MI/AAAAAAAAUF4/x6-UQa-tdl4/viva-herbal-peanut-butter-pie.jpg"
"title": "Stogo",
"desc": "Stogo vegan ice cream is made from a range of non-dairy ingredients like soy and coconut milk. I am in love with the Coconut Vanilla, Cookie Dough and Salted Caramel Pecan flavors. Stogo sells scoops and even pints to-go. Before ordering, do a few flavor taste tests via those fun little sampler plastic spoons.",
"img": "http://lh5.ggpht.com/_Dwex9AQ8IuA/S82hy2lwIKI/AAAAAAAAUGI/ciloin7v5zo/stogo-vegan-ice-cream-nyc.jpg"
"title": "Lula's Sweet Apothecary",
"desc": "Lula's Sweet Apothecary is a vegan "ice cream" spot on the east side. This tiny spot serves up some amazingly gigantic vegan treats, including an ice cream sundae that will make anyone who gawks at it say, Mmmm! Vegan sprinkles are a must.",
"img": "http://lh4.ggpht.com/_Dwex9AQ8IuA/S82jEoRE62I/AAAAAAAAUHA/tuUSuVrZNjQ/lulas-sweet-apothacary-nyc-by-a-bean.jpg"
"title": "Birdbath: Build a Green Bakery",
"desc": "Birdbath's vegan chocolate chip cookies are simply legendary (to my taste buds anyways). They taste as warm, chewy and tender as one of those 1980's-buy-at-the-mall type cookies, only these are vegan. ",
"img": "http://lh3.ggpht.com/_Dwex9AQ8IuA/S82i4vlLxtI/AAAAAAAAUGg/GQAa3KRPejw/bridbath-build-a-green-bakery-nyc.jpg"
"title": "Teany Cafe",
"desc": "I know, I know, this isn't a pic of a vegan cake - but this is what should be eaten before the cake when dining at Teany. Teany's wide selection of vegan cakes, all lined up along the wall of the cafe, will leave even the strongest will-powered person helpless for a taste test.",
"img": "http://lh5.ggpht.com/_Dwex9AQ8IuA/S82hFW2mEkI/AAAAAAAAUFw/s1hWSHuTWok/Teany-sandwich.jpg"
"title": "Red Mango Bakery",
"desc": "Red Mango Bakery serves up some sinfully grand vegan cakes and treats. I am in love with their Red Velvet and Vanilla Chocolate cakes. I found their cakes at The Bean cafe in the east village.",
"img": "http://lh6.ggpht.com/_Dwex9AQ8IuA/S82hzSQnOgI/AAAAAAAAUGQ/rdQH5b2-4lc/red-mango-bakery-red-velvet-cake.jpg"
"title": "Mariebelle",
"desc": "Mariebelle's seasonal sorbet is simply divine. Fresh flavors like plum and strawberry are a perfect cool treat on a hot summer day.",
"img": "http://lh6.ggpht.com/_Dwex9AQ8IuA/S82hy5SRaWI/AAAAAAAAUGE/-lsaoR3Ctwg/maribelle-nyc-sorbet.jpg"
"title": "Gone Pie",
"desc": "Barbara's amazing Gone Pie baked goods and vegan treats will leave you craving and raving for more. I adore the pies like blueberry cheesecake...",
"img": "http://lh6.ggpht.com/_Dwex9AQ8IuA/S82jEUHj6bI/AAAAAAAAUG4/B8jNF806Zg0/gonepie-vegan-blueberry-cheesecake.jpg"
"title": "Gone Pie",
"desc": "...the coconut brownies... ",
"img": "http://lh3.ggpht.com/_Dwex9AQ8IuA/S82tP20i1pI/AAAAAAAAUJM/p44-FFTJ2Ac/gone-pie-choco-coconut-brownie-1.jpg"
"title": "Gone Pie",
"desc": "...the vegan chocolate peanut butter cups...",
"img": "http://lh5.ggpht.com/_Dwex9AQ8IuA/S82tQT3yH9I/AAAAAAAAUJQ/cOBM1CJS2sg/gone-pie-choco-pb-cup-1.jpg"
"title": "Gone Pie",
"desc": "...and the cookies.",
"img": "http://lh5.ggpht.com/_Dwex9AQ8IuA/S82tPm2JWOI/AAAAAAAAUJI/gYv5syTp0cA/gone-pie-choco-cherry-cookie-1.jpg"
"title": "One Lucky Duck",
"desc": "Raw vegan desserts can tastee this good?! I am in love with One Lucky Duck Takeaway's raw lemon raspberry cheesecake, as well as...",
"img": "http://lh6.ggpht.com/_Dwex9AQ8IuA/S82hzBGE93I/AAAAAAAAUGM/J53P0U3m4AQ/one-lucky-duck-cheesecake-lemon.jpg"
"title": "One Lucky Duck Takeaway",
"desc": "...the legendary, must-try Mallomar. Dessert heaven on earth. Do not leave NYC without a Mallomar on your foodie-log.",
"img": "http://lh5.ggpht.com/_Dwex9AQ8IuA/S82hFvcV5UI/AAAAAAAAUF0/Fy5mGzjwk-0/OLD-MALLOMAR.jpg"
"title": "Le Pain Quotidien",
"desc": "Le Pain Quotidien's famous vegan Blueberry Muffin is an old standby of mine. I love it. I also loved their Green Tea Ginger Muffin. I really hope that they bring it back!",
"img": "http://lh5.ggpht.com/_Dwex9AQ8IuA/S82hysd57YI/AAAAAAAAUGA/_6fTpG_Hwvs/le-pain-green-tea-muffins.jpg"
"title": "Sweet and Sara Factory",
"desc": "Headquartered in Queens NY, Sweet and Sara's vegan marshmallows are blissful. You can find them in many locations, or make an appointment to visit and shop at their factory. I adore the strawberry marshmallows. Vegan smores!...",
"img": "http://lh5.ggpht.com/_Dwex9AQ8IuA/S82hEyqgMuI/AAAAAAAAUFs/MOx2nH0pVas/sweet-and-sara-strawberry-marshmallows.jpg"
"title": "Think Coffee",
"desc": "Think Coffee's simply named, Vegan Cupcake, is a sweet sprinkle-topped treat.",
"img": "http://lh3.ggpht.com/_Dwex9AQ8IuA/S82hEgA7RpI/AAAAAAAAUFo/mT9URUXmFCY/think-vegan-cupcake.jpg"
"title": "Sit-Down Vegan Restaurants",
"desc": "Don't forget the many delicious and marvelous, ever-changing vegan desserts offered at some of the best sit-down restaurants in the city. Including Blossom East's Chocolate Ganache Dessert shown here.",
"img": "http://lh6.ggpht.com/_Dwex9AQ8IuA/S82jEpP6AmI/AAAAAAAAUHE/9TxA-TSnIsg/blossom-nyc-dessert.jpg"
"title": "Dirt Candy",
"desc": "...another sit-down fave is Dirt Candy. Chef Amanda Cohen serves up some of the most creative and delicious vegan desserts in the city. My vegan mint-chocolate ice cream bar was unforgettable.",
"img": "http://lh6.ggpht.com/_Dwex9AQ8IuA/S82jE3zdaGI/AAAAAAAAUHI/5O6G1R7reEc/dirt-candy.jpg"
"title": "Don't Forget...",
"desc": "Don't forget Candle 79, Josie's, Angelika Kitchen, Caravan of Dreams, Quintessence and Red Bamboo. And yes, there are many more - you just have to start looking and dessert-day-dreaming!...",
"img": "http://lh3.ggpht.com/_Dwex9AQ8IuA/S82vbFplybI/AAAAAAAAUKU/v6WtLppoCCI/candle-cafe-carrotcake.jpg"
"title": "Babycakes NYC",
"desc": "Babycakes is iconic for their NYC vegan desserts, don't miss it!",
"img": "http://lh3.ggpht.com/_Dwex9AQ8IuA/S82i442ukFI/AAAAAAAAUGk/WLuU8BZAcPc/babycakes-nyc-bakery-montage.jpg"
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