Hey guys! In honor of a fresh new year just around the corner, I want to remind you to check out my new project...
Looking for vegan meal plans? Check out my new project: FVmeals.com
January is a great time to get organized and inspired when it comes to meals. My solution for leaning into more home-cooked plant-based meals in 2019: Finding Vegan Meals. This is NOT a diet. Finding Vegan Meals is an inspiration-loaded, recipe-packed, print and mobile-friendly digital guide loaded with meal plans, menus, shopping lists, printables and more. Learn all about it here.
Every plant-based meal makes a difference for people, animals and the planet.
...and YES, I will be creating more Finding Vegan Meals content throughout the year and with just one purchase, you will get access to ALL future content. That's in addition to the already 400+ pages ready to go right now!
So I hope you guys can take advantage of this offer and I hope you had a great holiday week!
Our holiday week this year felt like..
Totally loving that this has been the longest holiday ‘week’ ever. Every day feels like Saturday and brunch is the only meal I care about. Bring it 2019. 👋🎩— Kathy Patalsky (@lunchboxbunch) December 30, 2018
..pumpkin cinnamon rolls, holiday movies, twinkly lights, kitty cats, a few presents and loads of much-cherished rest, for the win.
Looking Back. Don't miss my Top 21 Recipes of 2018 post!
2 0 1 8. On January 1st 2018 I wrote a little list of things I hoped would happen in 2018. The funny thing is, only one of those things actually happened. BUT so many other things happened that I didn't even put on the list. Funny how that works, right? So I guess the lesson for me is to make goals in 2019 -- but leave a bunch of blank spaces open for things that I cannot even dream up for the coming year.
New Year's Resolution: Go ahead and Surprise me, 2019.
Recipe Index. Here is a peek at some of the recipes you get in Finding Vegan Meals - each with a photo!
FVmeals basics...
The Finding Vegan Meals program consists of:
- 5 meal plan programs w/ menus + shopping lists.
- 400+ pages of content + access to all future content!
- Digital cookbook featuring 150+ recipes & photos.
- The Getting Started Guide. (Perfect for newbies!)
- Invite to the private Facebook group.
- Content is print-friendly + colorful + interactive!
- For the new year, I created VEGAN in 2019, a brand new 21-day journey for you to 'try vegan' via recipes, activities, brands, products and so much more.
Thank you for being here! Cheers to a healthy, happy and soul-lifting new year!
H a p p y H a p p y H a p p y + H e a l t h y 2 0 1 9.
More Vegan Topics to Browse:
- 15 Tips for Going Vegan
- Protein on a Vegan Diet
- When Did you Realize You Were a Veggie Eater?
- Finding Vegan Meals - meal plans
- Vegan for the Animals
- My Philosophy: Vegan Food + Life
- 5 Reasons Why I Am Vegan
- Vegans are not annoying: 10 reasons why
- Doc to Watch: Before the Flood
- For the kids: 105 after school snacks
- Gallery browse my vegan recipes