Celebrity tweets are fun to read. I posted fellow NYC tweeters Sarma and Moby. Time to check in with another NYC celeb, Martha Stewart's twitter account. Martha caught on to twitter early, her first tweet was Feb 19, 2009. She tweets about her charmed life of horses, gardening, hosting her show, tweeting (at 7 A.M.), lots of gourmet food and her two doggies Francesca and Sharkey. She even twitterpic's photos a lot. My two favorite Martha tweets:
"the snow is paralyzing new yorkers- they are a bunch of wimps" 10:26 AM Mar 2nd
"just got home from travels- went to the stable where the horses and donkeys were all cozy and friendly- the dogs and cats happy too...nice" 9:57 PM Apr 21st
Click ahead to read my favorite Martha tweets...
Meet Martha! She tweets a lot and it's all fun, informative and personal.
"i am about to go riding,to garden,and to care for the many animals here on the farm- no time to stay in bed!" 7:13 AM May 3rd
"we had a great dinner- after the mint juleps,shots of pea soup with green apple,asparagus with fried poached eggs,arctic char,ramp risotto" 7:10 AM May 3rd
"just returned home from Barnard College's annual scholarship dinner/fundraiser honoring helene kaplan, one of my favorite barnard people" 10:50 PM Apr 29th
"yes twitter is cool- but the question is what is next?" 9:56 PM Apr 28th
"i just noticed that we are close to 500,000 foloowers! wow! what a great way to communicate. instantaneous,quick,effective, brief, smart" 3:56 PM Apr 28th
"just got home from travels- went to the stable where the horses and donkeys were all cozy and friendly- the dogs and cats happy too...nice" 9:57 PM Apr 21st
"i am writing my own tweets who could i get up at 7 a.m. on sunday morning to do this for me?? some of us rest/sleep in" 7:05 AM Apr 19th
"i am shaking in my booties" 11:07 PM Apr 15th
"ellen has more than 760,000 followers with 61 updates i have 357,000 with 179 updates" 1:13 PM Apr 14th
"we are almost finished with our kmart contract look forward to other partners go to macys and see the great stuff we have there" 10:23 PM Apr 9th
"just got home from a two day full immersion in palm springs-architecture and nature joshua tree is the most beautiful place!" 12:44 AM Apr 6th
"the dogs are fed, getting their baths now, the horses,donkeys etc turned out even in the gentle spring rain. the cats are hiding,bath time!" 10:37 AM Mar 29th
"i arranged a screening of a new film,Food Inc.last night.my entire food dept came. the main message? buy organic,only organic" 1:43 PM Mar 27th
"today we celebrated bunnies on the show-lop eared,dutch,lion's head and others- they are so cute,trainable and make good pets" 11:20 AM Mar 25th
"F&S are still upstairs in bed snoring- they got home at 1:30 a.m. and are exhausted" 7:26 AM Mar 22nd
"i had lobster ravioli,fritz had skate,hillary scallopsn rose the beef tartare now dessert yummmmmmmmmmmmmmm" 8:30 PM Mar 19th
"tweeting is like texting- not much attention paid to punctuation" 9:29 AM Mar 19th
"Francesca and Sharkey blogged today http://bitly.com/163JD3 those silly girls!" 7:26 AM Mar 16th
"yes this is the martha between chores checking email,phone messages and twitter i really am gardening,planting peas and going riding" 10:45 AM Mar 15th
"the pussy willows are plump and glorious- we are trying to pick enough to make a meaningful arrangement salix is another name" 10:28 AM Mar 15th
"rinze-the horse of the day-is one of five black friesiangeldings in my stable- they are like giant dogs- he did trip three times-pure lazy" 1:24 PM Mar 14th
"i just looked at the flor carpet tiles in the studio-they are FABULOUS!!!! it is freezing cold but i am going riding nevertheless and you??" 10:56 AM Mar 14th
"thanks perez for your amusing interpretation of my idea of twittering" 9:43 AM Mar 12th
"got home the dogs were skunked for fourth time today- the kitchen stinks as do the dogs they were washed with new deskunker- did not work" 11:04 PM Mar 6th
"sharkey and francesca are in the studio today preparing for a segment at lion brand yarns- they want to learn to knit!" 9:16 AM Mar 5th
"lunch with ludcris was great fun- just charming- he is in town preparing for tomorrow on jimmy fallon- he loved lunch-esp choc cake" 2:08 PM Mar 4th
"@snoopdogg Yo snoop, check out MY doggies new doggie blog http://tinyurl.com/baeoat" 9:47 AM Mar 3rd
"My doggies are now blogging, very cool. http://tinyurl.com/baeoat" 8:37 AM Mar 3rd
"i am not all gloom and doom by the way- i am the eternal optimist but when snow keeps people away i get to thinking" 10:37 AM Mar 2nd
"the snow is paralyzing new yorkers- they are a bunch of wimps" 10:26 AM Mar 2nd
"Using Twitter for the first time!" 10:50 PM Feb 19th
Follow Martha Stewart on Twitter here: http://twitter.com/marthastewart