Next up in my 2013 Veggie Girl Power Interview Series is Emily von Euw, the brilliant and uber-creative blogger behind the raw vegan website This Rawsome Vegan Life. One peek at Emily's beautiful and inspiring dishes and you will fall in love with raw cuisine, and the fun and inspiring lady creating it! So I was curious to meet the talented person behind the beautiful food. Get to know Emily in her VGP interview!...
I discovered Emily via my other website Finding Vegan. I was like, who in the world is submitting these beautiful photos and recipe links! I fell in love with her website and knew I had to feature here on my blog to share her beautiful recipes with you guys.
Veggie Girl Power Interview: Emily von Euw, This Rawsome Vegan Life
Q1: Back to Basics. When and why did you go vegan? We love a good "this is why I went vegan" story.
Emily: I don’t have a super interesting story about why I went vegan, but here it goes: I was always into healthy living and felt a connection to nature, so when I discovered vegan eating it just made sense to me. I remember reading Fit for Life and thinking – “Hey! That’s so true. Why ARE we drinking the milk of another species, eating meat when we are not natural carnivores, and cooking our food when the rest of the animal kingdom eats it raw?”
So I made the switch to veganism overnight, telling myself I would try it for 30 days. By the second day or so, I knew I would be vegan for life. It is the compassionate, responsible, humane way to live. Soon after, I discovered the raw food diet and my whole world changed again! Now I eat a high raw diet and cherish every single moment I get to enjoy it!
Q2: Help a Girl Out. The vegan transition can be tough for some! What sisterly advice can you give to new or transitioning vegans - especially girls?
Emily: Hmm, for all my ladies out there: you are strong, independent and beautiful! You can do anything you set your mind to. As long as you have the motivation directed on the right path, you will be able to push through the tough bits of transitioning until you reach that Nirvana of good health and happiness. You’ve already made the decision to live this kind lifestyle so that part is done.
I recommend everyone just take gradual, comfortable steps until they reach where they want to be. Incorporate increasing amounts of fruits and veggies each day and before you know it – you will be eating a super healthy diet you thought you’d never manage. As far as detox symptoms go, drink tons of water and exercise to help speed up the process. As for cravings? Eat fruit. Usually people crave sugary things and fruit is full of healthy carbs to curb those cravings and give you wholesome energy. Also, check out my raw dessert recipes… eh eh? If you’re craving something salty: go for kale chips or seaweed! What about something hearty and comforting? Four words: vegan mac and cheese.
Q3: Traveling Vegans. In your neck of the woods, what are the local vegan hot spots to visit/shop at/dine at? Traveling vegans want to know!
Emily: Oh LAWD, lemme tell ya. I am so privileged to live in such a culturally diverse city (Vancouver, BC - wassap!?) that is home to a seriously decent number of vegan and raw food eateries. I have NEVER had a problem getting delicious vegan meals when going out to eat. My fave spots are Gorilla Food, Organic Lives, The Acorn, Paradise Vegetarian Noodle House, Heirloom Vegetarian, Eternal Abundance and the Naam. The Naam is wicked cool because it’s 100% vegetarian (with vegan and raw options) and has been open 24/7 – yes, I am serious – for like 30 years. Finally, Karmavore is a specialty vegan store and café where you can find what you might not at other health food or grocery stores.
Q4: On Food. What is a typical day of vegan eating for you? Fave eats?
Emily: It’s a tricky question to answer because an aspect of eating I deeply believe in is variety, so my diet changes daily. But here’s what a typical type day looks like: wake up, gulp down a big glass of water, work out, drink a big green smoothie, then when I get hungry again I will eat a bunch of fruit or a cooked whole food meal (usually veggies, tofu and a whole grain), for dinner I eat big salads, raw sushi, fruit bowls, raw pasta, or what my family is having, if it’s whole food and vegan (which it usually is). Sometimes I throw a fresh juice in there somewhere and I almost eat a raw dessert every day because I always have one made! Ah, such a hard life. Some staples for me are fruit in general, bananas, dates, kale or spinach, and peanut butter. Oh, and I could not LIVE without my green smoothie.
Q5: Words of Wisdom. Here is your chance to create your own quote. "Veganism is....."
Emily: Oh man, no pressure. “Veganism is… the kind way to live. You nourish your body, live in harmony with the planet, show your love for all beings, and while you’re doing all that – you are helping build a better tomorrow for the world. It is the intelligent choice.”
Q6: On What is Hot. Share people, brands, books and more that you like to rave about.
Emily: You can find my complete list of recommended books, docs and websites here. But for my top faves? The documentaries Earthlings and Forks Over Knives, and the books The Food Revolution, Mad Cowboy, and The China Study.
Q7: Soapbox! Go for it. Vegans tend to have passionate views, what is one vegan (or related) issue or cause you would like to bring more awareness to? This can be as simple as your hate of GMOs or your love of spirulina! Or your sadness for the fur industry. Or how you think Justin Timberlake should host SNL more often #veganville ...Soapbox away...
Emily: J.T. SHOULD host more SNL… mhmmmm. Right. About my opinions: Firstly, I LOVE the food I eat, when it’s growing, I talk to it, and get to know it, because it’s about to become part of me. It is SO important to have this positive connection with our food. I eat food that nourishes my body, mind and soul. It literally makes me dance and sing with joy. Bacon, on the other hand, makes me gag. Which brings me to my next point: people need to stop denying the plain logic in front of them and grow a pair. We all know that brutally murdering our fellow creatures is wrong. We all know that destroying the planet is not a good idea. We all know that nobody wants to get cancer or a heart attack. What we need to do is begin questioning our choices and making the connections: eating animals is causing all these atrocities. It is wrong. To change the world, we need to create an environment filled with love and a holistic mindset. Let’s discover this new world together, and take action in the name of what is right; not what is easy, cheap or fast.
Okay, serious stuff outta the way. Phew.
Q8: What upcoming projects are you working on? Please share!
Emily: Ha ha. SO MANY! OH MA GERD! Really though, I am always busy working on the next thing for my blog. I have two e-books out right now, and would like to make another one (centered on raw chocolate recipes – oh yeah) as soon as I find the time. Eventually, I would love to get a book published. That would be a dream come true. Correction: it would be a dream come true if it actually sold.
Q9. Smoothie love! I would love to hear about YOUR favorite smoothie recipe..
Emily: Yes. Yes. YES. Smoothie love indeed. I have a giant green smoothie almost every day after my workout and don’t really understand how people function without them. They are the love of my life (I hope my boyfriend doesn’t read this part). I’m gonna be lame here though. I don’t have a favorite recipe because I make a different one every day and they are all my favorites. Yep. Lame. But this smoothie I speak of is usually a banana, 2 cups of greens, 1 cup of frozen fruit and 1 cup of water. Oh – and Vega protein powder! Yum.
Q10. Do you think veganism is the diet of the future? Why?
Emily: I seriously do. It sounds so idealistic of us vegan hippies (that was a joke… ha-ha) to say but it’s just the truth! If you read Mad Cowboy, you will see what I am talking about. Also, just pay attention to current events and like… science. All over the world, smart people who know what they are talking about have started warning that we cannot eat as much meat in the future, even if we want to. It simply takes up too many resources like land, energy and water. On top of that, it creates way too much pollution and is inefficient for feeding the ever-growing global population. I am ALL about sustainability but many aspects of our privileged Western lifestyles are not sustainable. We love excess. From consumerism to increased meat-eating, these social changes since the 1950’s are now creating many problems. Let’s return to our roots! Eat local, organic, wholesome, cruelty-free food. It really will make the world a better place. “Our Health is our Wealth.”
Thanks so much, Kathy, for the interview! Much love to ya, perdy lady. - Em
Follow Emily:
Facebook: This Rawsome Vegan Life
TWITTER -> @RawsomeVegan
This Rawsome Vegan Life
Be sure to read all this year's VGP interviews coming up. VGP 2013
VGP kickoff: Cookbook Interview Chloe Coscarelli
Simone Reyes, of Running Russell Simmons / Animal Advocate
Doron Petersan, of Sticky Fingers Bakery
Angela Liddon, of Oh She Glows website
Emily Von Euw, of This Rawsome Life website
Sara Sohn, of Sweet & Sara Vegan Marshmallows
Marly McMillen, of Namely Marly website
Elizabeth Castoria, Editorial Director VegNews Magazine
Katie Higgins, of Chocolate Covered Katie
Laura Beck, of Vegansaurus and more / writer
Kathy Patalsky, (putting myself in the interview seat to close the series!)
*all photos were provided courtesy of Emily Von Euw