Fact: Every 15 seconds, pneumonia kills another child. That’s 5,500 child deaths every day, and a staggering 2 million child deaths every year from a preventable, treatable disease.
November 2nd is the first ever World Pneumonia Day. Join celebrities like Gwyneth Paltrow and Hugh Laurie and support the cause. Wear blue jeans on Nov 2nd to show your support!
Vicks Advocate. I was honored to be invited by the Vicks company to be one of 5 top tier bloggers chosen to attend the first ever World Pneumonia Day Global Summit, as a Vicks Advocate. I will be attending this prestigious event in NYC on Nov 2nd, and will blog about the event. Keep reading to learn how Vicks is making a difference. And learn the staggering facts about how Pneumonia affects our world. And learn what you can do to help...
Vicks Supports the Cause. Vicks is 100% committed to children’s respiratory health and is honored to help support World Pneumonia Day. Vicks is an official member of the Global Coalition Against Childhood Pneumonia and has partnered with Save the Children to help deliver treatment to children stricken with pneumonia all over the world.
"We have what it takes to prevent and cure childhood pneumonia. Yet the disease tragically claims more than two million babies and toddlers every year. We can stand on the sides and continue to watch this tragedy unfold or we can step in and change the ending. World Pneumonia Day gives everyone the chance to act.” -Save the Children Artist Ambassador Gwyneth Paltrow.
How you can help:
*Wear blue jeans on Nov 2nd to show your support.
*If you have a blog or social networking account, pass around this post and re-post the WPD logo on your pages. Awareness is key.
*Donate to the fund. Afterall, most antibiotic treatments cost less than one dollar per dose. Give vaccines: just $20 protects a child for life against the two deadliest strains of pneumonia.
*Sign the WPD pledge.
*Send an email. Make a call. Plan a visit. ...to your local officials, congress and/or the White House.
*Host your own WPD event.
*Visit the WPD website to learn more and details about how you can get involved. You can download logos and banners on the website.
Pneumonia Facts:
Pneumonia is deadly, especially for children.
• Pneumonia kills more than 4 million people every year – half of these deaths occur among children under age 5.
• Many people are surprised to learn that pneumonia is the disease that is responsible for the largest number of deaths in children under 5 worldwide.
• One child dies from pneumonia every 15 seconds. That’s 5,500 young lives lost every day. A staggering 2 million child deaths every year."
Pneumonia Solutions:
Pneumonia is a problem with solutions.
• More than ever before, we now know how to protect and prevent children from catching pneumonia, and how to treat those suffering with this illness.
Preventing pneumonia before it occurs is key.
• Vaccines are a safe and effective tool for preventing pneumonia before it occurs.
• Millions of children in developing countries still lack access to life-saving vaccines.
Children should have access to effective and affordable treatment:
• The treatment for most types of serious pneumonia is usually antibiotics, which typically cost less than one dollar per dose.
• Tragically, only an estimated 1 of every 5 children with pneumonia receives antibiotics.
Take action to save lives. Now.