My favorite saying: "Dream Big!" So when I saw one of my favorite ad networks running a Dream On contest for their lucky publishers - I knew I had to enter. But I never though I would win. And my fulfilled dream means even better photos for HHL!...
Sign up for Infolinks Here. Because obviously, they care about the happiness and success of their publishers. More on how they make their publishers super happy below. But first, my dream - and what it means for HHL...
Dream On. Dream a dream - and make it big. That's what Infolinks asked their publishers a few months back. Yea, OK. I can do that! My big dream...
As you guys know, food photography is my passion. My dream: a new camera body - for brighter, bolder photos that would help me inspire more people to live healthy, happy lives. Inspiring people makes me very happy.
So a big thank you to Infolinks for making my dream a reality with my new Canon EOS 7D camera body. Kinda speechless about this camera. It is a-m-a-z-i-n-g.
Let me show you a few new and improved yummy food photos. All thanks to the happiness-inducing awesomeness of Infolinks. I'm still getting used to the features, but here are my first shots of summer produce, Washington Square Park in NYC Dr Cow cheese and more...
Banana Split with fresh raspberry sauce:
Fig, Dr.Cow Cheese, Tomato Spread:
Washington Square Park, NYC:
...I love this camera. Lots of features to master still. I can't wait to use the HD video feature too! How-to cooking videos in the future...
Fellow Bloggers, consider Infolinks.. No one likes to talk about money - but the "starving artist" thing gets old fast. So if you're like me and blogging/writing/photography is your passion - eventually you'll start researching different advertising outlets. And for a full time blogger and entrepreneur like myself - Infolinks in-text ad links are a vital part of my complete ad plan. Infolinks keeps me doing what I love: creating recipes, taking photos and crafting delicious inspiring blogposts to keep my readers happy and healthy.
All About Infolinks. Curious to know even more? Here you go..
If you have a blog or website you may want to check out Infolinks as an alternative to traditional banner and/or boxed text ads. I immediately loved how easy Infolinks was to install and how I was able to customize how many text links show up per page. You can even start slow with one link per page and build more links as you see fit. I was even able to customize the link/ad colors so the ad links blend gracefully into my site. The best part is that users have the choice to click on the links or not - based on if they want more info about a highlighted term.
Learn more about becoming an publisher:
Twitter: @InfolinksInc
Contest details on Infolinks blog.