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slides = { "title": "Greenmarket Union Square NYC", "slides": [ { "title": "Union Square Greenmarket NYC", "desc": "Everyone in NYC should check out the USQ Greenmarket for it's bustling energy, fun people watching - and of course the amazing produce, flowers and goodies you will find. Bring a canvas bag and load up!", "img": "http://lh6.ggpht.com/_Dwex9AQ8IuA/S9oHDH5XdnI/AAAAAAAAUhA/bn4upOMfFKA/union-square-greenmarket-ny-400-3.jpg" }, { "title": "Shopping List Sign", "desc": "Stop by the Greenmarket booth to check out what's in season.", "img": "http://lh4.ggpht.com/_Dwex9AQ8IuA/S9nykIN2YUI/AAAAAAAAUfE/eUl2nWwHQ2o/greenmarket-nyc-cell-pics-list-1.jpg" }, { "title": "Ramps, Ramps Everywhere!", "desc": "One of the trendiest (and yummiest) market finds are these seasonal ramps. Only $3 a bunch for the freshest ramps around....", "img": "http://lh6.ggpht.com/_Dwex9AQ8IuA/S9nyvm6SxMI/AAAAAAAAUfY/t9zD71l6zL0/greenmarket-nyc-cell-pics-ramps-1.jpg" }, { "title": "Berried Treasures Ramps", "desc": "My ramps come from Berried Treasures, they are always fresh and aromatic...", "img": "http://lh5.ggpht.com/_Dwex9AQ8IuA/S9nvax0kLEI/AAAAAAAAUd8/UNU6dZh8rE4/greenmarket-ramps-1.jpg" }, { "title": "Seasonal Ramps", "desc": "Ramps, also known as wild leeks, can be used in a variety of ways. I adore grilled ramps with a touch of EVOO, sea salt and lemon juice. Simply delicious.", "img": "http://lh4.ggpht.com/_Dwex9AQ8IuA/S9nujhGkSNI/AAAAAAAAUdc/N4O1aUB2WRU/greenmarket-ramps-2.jpg" }, { "title": "Bread Alone Granola", "desc": "My favorite granola ever can be found at the Greenmarket. Bread Alone's Apricot Pistachio granola has maple syrup, EVOO, dried apricots, nuts, seeds and heaps of hearty grains.", "img": "http://lh3.ggpht.com/_Dwex9AQ8IuA/S9nsZC25f3I/AAAAAAAAUb0/8sIQWnO1AuQ/breadalone-bakery-granola-label-1.jpg" }, { "title": "Apricot Pistachio Granola Cereal", "desc": "Add some almond milk, and I am in breakfast heaven. Perfect after-market treat.", "img": "http://lh4.ggpht.com/_Dwex9AQ8IuA/S9nseoq0NrI/AAAAAAAAUb8/xqB9Jmsa9do/breadalone-bakery-granola-bowl-3.jpg" }, { "title": "Whole Grain Ciabatta", "desc": "Bread Alone Bakery also makes a plethora of hearty grained breads. I love this whole grain ciabatta with dried fruit and seeds.", "img": "http://lh3.ggpht.com/_Dwex9AQ8IuA/S9ntuD3dLTI/AAAAAAAAUcY/sI2zTD6_L9w/cibatta-rolls-bread-alone-1.jpg" }, { "title": "Ginger Cookies", "desc": "Bread Alone even does cookies...these are Ginger cookies for my husband - they are not vegan.", "img": "http://lh5.ggpht.com/_Dwex9AQ8IuA/S9ntuJ4PdGI/AAAAAAAAUcc/GA5PGsSH4X4/ginger-cookies-not-vegan-1.jpg" }, { "title": "Best Greens Ever", "desc": "Inside these baggies...my favorite salad greens, EVER!", "img": "http://lh6.ggpht.com/_Dwex9AQ8IuA/S9oUXNV_w0I/AAAAAAAAUkk/e3INdmboMI4/windfall-farms-microgreena-baggies-1.jpg" }, { "title": "Windfall Farms Micro Greens", "desc": "For the freshest, most flavorful and exotic salad greens you can go to any of NYC's highest-starred restaurants...or simply shop at Windfall Farms booth at the Greenmarket! Exotic greens that are grown with care is their specialty. Best greens ever.", "img": "http://lh6.ggpht.com/_Dwex9AQ8IuA/S9ntuhK2D9I/AAAAAAAAUcg/jeuWX24wJQs/greenmarket-micro-windfall-farma-3c.jpg" }, { "title": "Micro Greens", "desc": "Windfall Farms greens range in price: try the most expensive $12/lb micro greens for some true high caliber greens. The pink, purple and lime green sprouts, edible flowers and leaves will catch your eye.", "img": "http://lh5.ggpht.com/_Dwex9AQ8IuA/S9nykTlaxnI/AAAAAAAAUfM/cHTbw24St00/greenmarket-nyc-cell-pics-windfall-2.jpg" }, { "title": "Windfall Farms Greens", "desc": "Truly beautiful and bursting with zesty, fresh crunch-filled flavor.", "img": "http://lh5.ggpht.com/_Dwex9AQ8IuA/S9ntvOCzYTI/AAAAAAAAUco/uSyYUfSBuNA/greenmarket-micro-windfall-farms-sprouts-9.jpg" }, { "title": "More Greens...", "desc": "Feels like Alice in Wonderland to gaze at the exotic qualities of WF's greens and sprouts.", "img": "http://lh6.ggpht.com/_Dwex9AQ8IuA/S9ntu-ehYzI/AAAAAAAAUck/kXXxewd7O4A/greenmarket-micro-windfall-farma-5.jpg" }, { "title": "$3 Bagged Spinach", "desc": "But if deal greens are more your thing, try Kernan Farms $3 bag of whole leaf spinach. Yes, this huge bag of fresh spinach is just three bucks. Yes!", "img": "http://lh5.ggpht.com/_Dwex9AQ8IuA/S9nuj0noQxI/AAAAAAAAUdg/XBdGkSU9tro/greenmarket-spinach-kernan-farms-big-bag-1.jpg" }, { "title": "Kernan Spinach", "desc": "Chop this spinach into a salad, juice it or saute it.", "img": "http://lh6.ggpht.com/_Dwex9AQ8IuA/S9nu6Oq42wI/AAAAAAAAUdw/xDtfbhholnQ/greenmarket-spinach-kernan-farms-2.jpg" }, { "title": "More Spinach...", "desc": "I eat this spinach straight from the bag. Better than chips.", "img": "http://lh3.ggpht.com/_Dwex9AQ8IuA/S9nu6I6BD-I/AAAAAAAAUds/jhX5U1x25uk/greenmarket-spinach-kernan-farms-4.jpg" }, { "title": "Kernan Farms Sweet Potatoes", "desc": "My fave sweet potatoes also come from Kernan Farms. Fresh and sweet.", "img": "http://lh6.ggpht.com/_Dwex9AQ8IuA/S9nva-0lCgI/AAAAAAAAUeA/3IGEVcAfNCs/greenmarket-sweetpotatoes-3.jpg" }, { "title": "Kernan Farms Potatoes", "desc": "My eyes are always drawn to their big bin of beautiful sweet potatoes.", "img": "http://lh5.ggpht.com/_Dwex9AQ8IuA/S9nyZonhCMI/AAAAAAAAUeg/A_S1MmfTkTs/greenmarket-nyc-cell-pics-sweet-potatoes-1.jpg" }, { "title": "Apples", "desc": "I usually buy my apples from a few different vendors. I love the XXL sized apples at the Greenmarket...", "img": "http://lh5.ggpht.com/_Dwex9AQ8IuA/S9nuDGFvCiI/AAAAAAAAUc0/WqPehKMnac8/greenmarket-ny-apples-2.jpg" }, { "title": "Big Apple", "desc": "Last week I heard a girl comment, gosh those big apples could make a meal!", "img": "http://lh6.ggpht.com/_Dwex9AQ8IuA/S9nuDZMrFZI/AAAAAAAAUc4/hyUPxmO18tc/greenmarket-ny-apples-3.jpg" }, { "title": "Greenmarket Goodies", "desc": "So if you're in NYC, please, please take a stroll through a Greenmarket. There are 18 locations open year-round! Each one with a unique vibe and charm. If you're looking for farm-to-table - you can go to Blue Hill...or simply go to the Greenmarket!", "img": "http://lh3.ggpht.com/_Dwex9AQ8IuA/S9nujZ6sfFI/AAAAAAAAUdU/8ePhvPlnnXk/greenmarket-nyc-goodies-3.jpg" }, { "title": "More Ramps", "desc": "And don't forget those ramps during the spring season!... ", "img": "http://lh3.ggpht.com/_Dwex9AQ8IuA/S9nyj9ma5PI/AAAAAAAAUe8/7piz5K53lIs/greenmarket-nyc-cell-pics-ramps-2.jpg" }, { "title": "Radishes", "desc": "And lovely radishes in summertime...", "img": "http://lh4.ggpht.com/_Dwex9AQ8IuA/S9oHDB9pBpI/AAAAAAAAUg8/so7oshv5fHw/union-square-greenmarket-ny-400-1.jpg" } ]}
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