New videos up! The topic: Back to School. Or back to work. A few weeks ago Gena of ChoosingRaw and I got together and filmed a few tips and recipes. Not just for kids, our info is geared towards anyone who is busy when fall rolls around (and who isn't?) Moms and dads shuttling their kids off to school, college students or even adults heading off to work.
Our two videos which feature: Gena's grain salad, tips on packing a kids vegan lunch, Gena's kid-friendly banana wrap/sushi and I'll even show you how to make a steaming hot, busy-morning breakfast bowl of tofu scramble in... 5 minutes. Don't miss this jam-packed video post!!..
(side note: THANK YOU everyone for the VegNews cover well wishes. I'm totally glowing with pride this month.)
It's always fun getting together with Gena. We always seen to manage to find (or make) and photograph amazing vegan food. Even in DC :)..
Gena and I in Georgetown a few weeks ago..
Planning a blogger video shoot. We both have crazy schedules, so finding time to prep for a video shoot with recipes, thoughts and an actual plan is quite a challenge. We usually pick a topic, exchange a few brainstorming emails. Then pick a date. Postpone the date (ha). Then finally pick a new date that eventually happens. And usually half the stuff we put in the video is on-the-fly fun. The best part is seeing what Gena brings over for the shoot. I am always inspired by her RAW creations.
And for those who don't know, Gena just started Georgetown pre-med this past summer. She's proudly on her way to becoming the raddest vegan raw doctor ever. Hurry up Gena, I'm aching for a doctor like you! 🙂
B2S VIDEO. And I have to say, my favorite part of the video was doing the tofu scramble 5 minute challenge. It's in video two - so don't miss it!
Video 1: Back to School Vegan: Kathy's Lunchbox Tips and Gena's Grain Salad
Video 2: Kathy's 5 minute breakfast challenge (tofu scramble in 5 minutes!) and Gena's 5 minute lunchbox tips. Plus Gena's banana wrap.
Links for the recipes shown in the videos are below as well! Enjoy..
Recipe/Post Links
* Kathy's Tofu Scramble: version 1, breakfast burrito version, 5-ingredient scramble - see video TWO for 5 min version.
* Kathy's Mushroom Bite Nuggets (or veggie burger)
* Kathy's Chilled Pasta Veggie Salad: Lemon Veggie (shown in video), Cheez & Peas, Alphabet Pesto
* Gena's Banana Sushi
* Gena's Oatmeal Bars
25 Vegan Lunchbox Sandwiches. And don't miss my 25 Back to School Sandwich Recipes slide show...
And after school snacks like "Ants on a Log" never get old..
And maybe a banana peanut butter shake too..
Watch more of healthy. Happy. Life. vegan cooking videos!
H A P P Y (vegan) B A C K T O S C H O O L !!
Veggie Lemon Pasta (from video 1):
Fresh juice. From a Georgetown cafe. Just because.