Birthday girl. Birthday post. #January30. Reflecting a bit this week, as one does...
Birthday Girl.
It's nice to be able to celebrate milestones here on the blog. I love looking back over the years and reading my old life posts - like birthday posts - reflections and thoughts on my current state of living. Well, nothing too fancy today, just a simple copy + paste of my bday caption on Instagram. But I wanted to make sure it was shared here on HHL. So...
This is 39.
Though ok, these pics are a week old. Close enough. TODAY, #jan30, was in fact PJs all day, messy hair in a bun, warm tea mug in hand, kitty in lap. I’m not feeling 💯this week, so low key it was. Luckily, my fave vanilla-cinnamon #vegan bday cake from @sinnersandsaintsdesserts, courtesy of the husband, aka superhero and rockstar, did make an appearance. 🎂 so I ate cake in my PJs. Birthday accomplished.
But honestly, low key feels right after the past week/month 🌍🐨🏀 Even if you don’t live in LA or follow sports, the Kobe tragedy probably caught your attention, made you look up, hug the person standing right beside you, and just appreciate life. Every messy, beautiful, overwhelming piece of it. Each day I get to wake up and do me. Figure shit out. Dream, create, love and share. Mess up and try again. So that’s pretty great.
I guess the message that’s been lingering in my head all week...
Nothing is promised and every day, every year, every birthday is such a gift.
Sending you lots of bday love and light and happy thoughts. 💛✨ ~ K
Birthday post 2020, out. xo