Happy (vegan) Hot Fudge Sundae Friday! OK, so I just made that holiday up. It's actually Waffle Day today if you want a real food holiday. Or you can just make up your own food holidays like me. It's a great excuse to treat yourself.
I made this snazzy Smores Hot Fudge Vegan Sundae for a few reasons. Find out and see what ingredients I used...
First a lil eye candy of this sundae..because it's just so pretty!..
Happy 5th! Why the celebratory sundae Friday?? Well, five years ago today my husband proposed. Four months later we had our wedding. It goes by so fast and I simply can't imagine my life without him! I can't wait to see where the next five years takes us. Hopefully we will be going to Italy this summer to celebrate our fifth wedding anniversary. Any vegan-in-Italy tips? Travel tips? Helpful hints welcome! I've never been!
The other reason why I made this sundae (besides the fact that it's fun to make and photograph sundaes) is for my husband - he has gone dairy-free (for lent) and I wanted to make him a creamy treat for staying off dairy. He really only misses his weekend croissants and cheesy frittatas from Le Pain Quotidien - since he really is quite veganish. I like to call him 99% vegan. 1% confused. 🙂
So here's how I made this fabulously blissful sundae..
Smores Hot Fudge Sundae
vegan, makes one sundae (2 spoons!)
2 scoops Vanilla Island Coconut Bliss ice cream
2 tablespoon dark chocolate hot fudge (I found an amazing brand called Wax Orchards - it's fat free, fruit juice sweetened and so good!)
2 tablespoon vegan marshmallow creme
1 tablespoon crushed grahams
1 tablespoon mini vegan chocolate chips
swirl of soy whipped cream
(cherry optional)
Scoop the ice cream.
Sprinkle on the grahams.
Spoon on the hot fudge
Sprinkle the chips.
Dollop of marshmallow.
Swirl of soy cream.
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