Is there something wrong with this picture, or is it just Huffington Post readers who enjoy reading news stories that heckle skinny girls like runway models and Lindsey Lohan.
Maybe HP readers aren't as sophisticated as we might think...
The top viewed news stories on Huffington Post:
1. The NYPost bad taste chimp cartoon. (CARTOON)
2. Lindsay Lohan Defends Weight: I Just Ate A Big Mac (PHOTOS)
3. WIPEOUT: Herve Leger Models Fall In Fashion Show (PHOTOS)
OK, I can admit to loving a good model-falls-on-runway-at-fashion-week-while-in-ten-inch-heels photo or video.
....But the LL eats Big Mac headline is pretty pedestrian.
To compare...Click ahead for the top stories on the 'uberly sophisticated' NY Times, the number two spot goes to our favorite food critic, Mark Bittman, aka "Bitty"....
1. Student Expectations Seen as Causing Grade Disputes
2. The Minimalist: Your Morning Pizza
3. A Swiss Bank Is Set to Open Its Secret Files
4. Maureen Dowd: Cheney and the Goat Devil
5. Basics: Low-Tech Fixes for High-Tech Problems
6. Recipe: Polenta ‘Pizza’ With Pancetta and Spinach
7. Well: Vitamin Pills: A False Hope?
8. For Uninsured Young Adults, Do-It-Yourself Health Care
9. Thomas L. Friedman: No Way, No How, Not Here
10. The Final Goodbye: Shea Rests in Pieces