The survey results from my Most Hated, Feared and Loved Vegetables survey are coming in. 147 people have voted, so far, and the results are quite interesting:
*Most Hated: Iceberg Lettuce, Brussel Sprouts.
*Most Feared: Okra, Artichoke, Beets, Jicama.
*Most Loved: Mushrooms, Asparagus, Spinach.
Hated & Feared Vegetable Challenge! As promised, I will be featuring recipes from the winning (or losing) hated and feared vegetables in upcoming posts. Making iceberg lettuce delicious will be tricky, but I know exactly what recipe to post - you'll love it!
Vote in the Most hated, feared, loved veggie survey!
Click ahead for a few interesting survey tidbits....
More Survey Tidbits...
*Only 2 people fear asparagus and only 6 fear those giant heads of white cauliflower!
*Only 12 people fear brussel sprouts, even though over 60 hate them!
*61 people fear the tiny green veggie known as Okra.
*Many people have commented that they don't even know what jicama is! (It's a crunchy slightly-sweet root. Similar to an Asian pear in texture and taste!)
*64 people love mushrooms most! But are they veggies or fungi...??? hmmm...
*51 people love spinach. Beating the classic veggie carrots by 3 votes!
*41 people actually love brussel sprouts the most!
*24 people hate tiny alfalfa sprouts!
*16 people hate mushrooms. Wow, have they ever tried chanterelle's???
*Only 9 people hate broccoli. I wonder is that was the same when they were four years old!
Remember you can still vote too!
Watch out for the FEARED HATED AND LOVED Recipes I'll post soon!