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slides = { "title": "NYC Juices and Smoothies", "slides": [ { "title": "Pure Food and Wine Takeaway", "desc": "I love all of Pure Food and Wine's super high quality raw vegan juices and smoothies. My faves are the Bunny Brew, Swan Greens, Coconut Shake and the classic 100% coconut water. I always add extra ginger to my Bunny Brew.", "img": "http://lh6.ggpht.com/_Dwex9AQ8IuA/S93uX6Ulu5I/AAAAAAAAUtY/U9kzu7_0cbU/purefoodwine-green-juice-1.jpg" }, { "title": "Gobo", "desc": "One of my fave spots for food is also one of my fave spots for smoothies and juices! Gobo! I love this New Yorker smoothie...", "img": "http://lh6.ggpht.com/_Dwex9AQ8IuA/S93ZE-MBZiI/AAAAAAAAUqw/uuJORETKo7Q/new-yorker-smoothie-gobo-11.jpg" }, { "title": "Gobo Zing Juice", "desc": "The Zing juice with carrot apple and ginger is also nice. I add extra ginger for extra zing!", "img": "http://lh3.ggpht.com/_Dwex9AQ8IuA/S93Y95KeLFI/AAAAAAAAUqg/9h56Y01-iPo/zing-juice-gobo-1.jpg" }, { "title": "More from Gobo", "desc": "Headed to Gobo? I highly advise trying their Seitan Skewers with mustard dipping sauces. Seitan and smoothies - sounds good to me!", "img": "http://lh4.ggpht.com/_Dwex9AQ8IuA/S93Y9tzcBOI/AAAAAAAAUqc/vfY3reGTNzQ/new-yorker-smoothie-gobo-4.jpg" }, { "title": "Taim", "desc": "Taim, my fave falafel shop in NYC also serves up some of my fave smoothies! This cantaloupe Ginger smoothie is so light, pure and flavorful. Unique and refreshing!", "img": "http://lh4.ggpht.com/_Dwex9AQ8IuA/S93uXyfHcgI/AAAAAAAAUtU/32s0q47NzBo/taim-cantaloups-ginger-smoothie.jpg" }, { "title": "Liquiteria", "desc": "Fact: I actually tried apartment hunting in Liquiteria's east village neighborhood just so I'd be close to their cravable sips and smoothies! We chose another downtown NYC hood, but I still find a way to get in my Liquiteria fix quite often. My usual: Papaya Paradise Smoothie with added spirulina. I also love their to-go juices and selection of amazing soups. Chipotle Sweet Potato, yum.", "img": "http://lh3.ggpht.com/_Dwex9AQ8IuA/S93g9912LbI/AAAAAAAAUrw/2xMDUWQwchM/liquiteria-smoothies-400.jpg" }, { "title": "Me Sipping Green Papaya Paradise.", "desc": "It's just soooo good. And the employees are super friendly. Clean bright corner shop too.", "img": "http://lh6.ggpht.com/_Dwex9AQ8IuA/S93jUwahW2I/AAAAAAAAUsg/LBcqB9zHCnI/s720/4th-of0july-09-1.jpg" }, { "title": "Organic Avenue", "desc": "Fabulous raw vegan smoothies and juices can be found at Organic Avenue. A bit pricier than say, Jamba Juice, but you can taste the quality of ingredients. I adore the Blueberry Spirulina smoothie.", "img": "http://lh4.ggpht.com/_Dwex9AQ8IuA/S93jT6nnr5I/AAAAAAAAUsY/sfKLgm_BrQs/raw-snacks-juice-organic-avenue-1.jpg" }, { "title": "At-Home Smoothies", "desc": "Even in a foodie vegan-friendly town like NYC, I still get a craving to make my own smoothies at home. Like this Peach Hemp smoothie. Nothing tastes better than homemade, I must say.", "img": "http://lh4.ggpht.com/_Dwex9AQ8IuA/S93jTgLI1rI/AAAAAAAAUsU/0oLnF8jY18I/peach-hemp-smoothie-400-4.jpg" }, { "title": "Chain Bevies", "desc": "Worldwide chains like Jamba Juice and Le Pain Quotidien also serve up some awesome smoothies, juices and sips. I love JJ's all-fruit smoothies and Le Pain's Green Mint Tea and Mint Lemonade bevies are both delightful!", "img": "http://lh3.ggpht.com/_Dwex9AQ8IuA/S93g9cO0WmI/AAAAAAAAUrs/mZ4vA4lJpVA/le-pain-tea-bryant-5.jpg" }, { "title": "Corner Store Juices", "desc": "And don't count out your local corner store for some fresh daily, budget-friendly juices. Try a few different stores and you may find your very own hidden juice gem...", "img": "http://lh5.ggpht.com/_Dwex9AQ8IuA/S93g9dUSjwI/AAAAAAAAUro/1D1Vq7bn3vQ/energy-juices-3.jpg" }, { "title": "Fresh Squeezed OJ", "desc": "When I'm in a hurried crunch, I adore the fresh OJ and Tangerine Juice at Dean and Deluca. And OJ-lovers will be pleased to find fresh OJ at a wide number of to-go cafes in the city. Just look, and you'll find them!", "img": "http://lh5.ggpht.com/_Dwex9AQ8IuA/S93g9f66yQI/AAAAAAAAUrk/lKyEBr1Qi1k/fresh-squeezed-oj-22.jpg" }, { "title": "Fresh Juice", "desc": "Murray's Bagels in the West Village is just one cafe serving up fresh OJ daily.", "img": "http://lh5.ggpht.com/_Dwex9AQ8IuA/S932Su1RYHI/AAAAAAAAUvY/5jPBzL62JMQ/murraysjuice.jpg" }, { "title": "Gobo Smoothie", "desc": "So do a few slurp-tests at some smoothie spots and discover your faves, there are many more shops like these in NYC if you take the time to find them...Happy Sipping!", "img": "http://lh4.ggpht.com/_Dwex9AQ8IuA/S93ZEp5YX3I/AAAAAAAAUqs/xUJALsNlBwU/new-yorker-smoothie-gobo-9.jpg" } ]}
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