Bust your doughnut craving by trying my yummy Papaya Doughnuts with Sunflower Seed Sprinkles and a Lime-Agave Drizzle. Super fun and super delicious.
Those Aren't doughnuts! Not really. More like Fruitnuts. But they are 100% guilt free doughnut-looking treats. Use your imagination and your happy tastebuds will be all you need to make this recipe again and again. Serve this fruit breakfast dish to your favorite kid - big or small.
No Papayas or Sunflower Seeds on Hand? That's OK. You can make a craft out of this dish by using assorted seed sprinkles and different "doughnut" fruit slices. Try peaches, apricots, pineapples, grapefruit, mangoes, melons or apples. If they don't have a natural hole - simply punch one out with a narrow glass or cookie cutter.
Here's the sweet 'n simple recipe...
Kids Allowed! You can even have the kids 'decorate' their own papaya doughnut. Simply give the platter of lime-juice coated doughnuts and let them squeeze on some agave and sprinkle the seeds. You can use a variety of seeds sprinkles such as:
sesame seeds
poppy seeds
sunflower seeds
fennel seeds
hemp seeds
...and more!
And you can even make apple or pineapple ring doughnuts too! Simply remove the core instead of scooping the seeds. Any other doughnut ring fruits you can think of?? Get creative!
Papaya Doughnuts with sunflower sprinkles and lime-agave drizzle
makes 5-8 doughnuts, depending on size of papaya
1 large ripe papaya
*I used a Red Mexican Papaya
¼ cup roasted and salted sunflower seeds
1 lime
agave syrup squeeze bottle (maple syrup or honey also works)
1. Wash the skin of your papaya in cool water or with veggie was very well.
2. Slice the papaya in half and scoop out the seeds.
3. Slice the halves into ¾-1 inch thick rounds.
4. Squeeze lime juice over top the papaya rounds. Position on serving platter.
5. Drizzle agave syrup over papaya rounds. Sprinkle plentiful sprinkles on top.
Serve the doughnuts! No dunking allowed...Eat with your hands for maximum fun-factor.
..this makes a perfect weekend fruit recipe for a brunch spread. So much fun. And trust me, delicious.
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