Busy day? No time to feel good? Nonsense! Ok, I get it. This website relaunch has brought me 'busy feels' like I haven't had since I wrote my last cookbook or finished my last screenplay. But trust me, you don't want to power through a busy day without pausing for yourself. To feel good. Workday Wellness is so important...
But I'm sooooooooooo busy! You don't even know..."
- most people, on any work day
Well these 12 Quickie Activities for Wellness take minutes out of your day and when you start to add them to your routine - you just may find that you feel a bit more balanced, energized and refreshed during your day. And we all deserve a little bit more of that during a crazy workweek.
Workday Wellness: 12 Quickie Activities to Try!..
1 - Hydrate
Workday wellness begin when you drink a tall glass of water at least once a day. When we are dehydrated we can feel tired and even cranky or hungry. Our bodies are made of 70% water, so fill 'er up!
average time: 2 minutes
2 - Dance it Out
This is more challenging if you work in a stuffy office environment. But work-from-home people and creative types - or if you have your own office - you should be able to get away with this. Crank up just ONE fave dance song and dance it out. Dancing provides workday wellness for your mind, body and spirit!
average time: 5 minutes
3 - Sip a Smoothie
If you can, hop into your kitchen or work kitchen and quickly blend up a smoothie. Then bring it back to your desk to sip while still working. See, you can multi-task and fuel up with antioxidants and good stuff. I love my Easy Energy Shake or one of my Blueberry Smoothies.
average time: 5 minutes
4 - Meditate.
Ok, to be honest, I'm not terribly into meditation during the day. But if you can pull it off - yay you. Seriously, this can really center and calm you. There are some great YouTube videos and Apps to check out too. Headspace and Yoga by Adriene are great! And if you cannot 'meditate' just take a few deep breaths. Aim for one minute of eyes closed breathing.
average time: 5 minutes
5 - Stretch.
Doing a few stretches at your desk can be a great way to relieve muscle tension. And for bonus points, do a few yoga stretches on the floor and really get down with your wellness-minded self.
average time: 2-5 minutes
6 - Eat Fruit.
Fruit is hydrating and packed with antioxidants and healthy carbs. If you crave processed sugar during the day, try fruit! I love apples, berries, kiwi, grapes or peaches when in season.
average time: 4 minutes
7 - Face Love.
Whip out an essential oil spray or a face toner and cleanse or refresh your face. You can easily do this at your desk! If you work from home and have time, you can even give yourself a mini facial using your fave face mask.
average time: 2-10 minutes
8 - Hug a Pet.
If you have access to a furry friend. Hug or play with your dog or cat - or any other pet you might have. Animals can bring us out of our own heads and remember to take life as it comes - enjoy each moment as it is.
average time: 1-100 minutes
9 - Brain Flex.
If you are doing creative work, try taking a few minutes to solve a puzzle or switch over to something more left brain. If you are stuck in left brain mode at work, take a few minutes and do something creative. Doodle with a pen and paper, color with some colored pencils hidden away in your desk. Or heck, you can even browse design blogs or Pinterest!
average time: 5-10 minutes
10 - Step Away From Your Screen.
Do it now and nobody gets hurt. Ok, so this one is pretty obvious. When we take a break we tend to step away from our computers. But try this, do something for five minute break (make a snack, go outside, something..) and leave your phone at your desk (securely, of course..). Step away from your phone. All screens at a distance for even five minutes. If you work from home, go check the mail! Our brains are so addicted to our phones, it can be a good exercise to detach for a few minutes.
average time: 5 minutes
11 - Plan Dinner!
Just think about how great you will feel if when you get home or get ready for dinner you don't have to ask the timeless question: "What's for dinner?????" Solve that problem now by browsing recipe blogs or Pinterest. Browse my recipe index or check out Finding Vegan Meals. Print out one or two recipes, maybe swing by the grocery store on the way home and have a plan! Nothing feels better than having a plan at the end of the day.
average time: 5-10 minutes
12 - Chocolate.
When all else fails. Grab a piece of chocolate and start nibbling. Mood boost: instant.
average time: 2 minutes
Any more excuses??
I hope not! Share with me what your fave quickie wellness breaks are during your workday!