I never expected to announce this way.
Stuck in my house and aching for normalcy. But here goes. I hope my very happy news brings you some sunshine today - we all need it right now.
I'm beyond happy to say after a long struggle --- I am pregnant.
How to announce in times like these?
I had plans. Big plans. For my big announcement. I hoped coronavirus would pass. But it didn't. So how to announce? Nothing I had planned seemed right for the mood. So many are suffering.
Being pregnant right now is scary, but also, nothing can smother the elation, joy, peace I feel. I'm so excited to share.
So last night around midnight, unable to sleep, I grabbed a notebook and pen. I curled up on the couch, and wrote this little entry. A sort of poem, about my sweet baby girl and the story she'll tell. Hope you like it -- and thank you for sharing this happy moment with me.
updated: THANK YOU for all the kind + heart-warming comments on Instagram. Seriously crying from all the love.
Sole Survivor
(a little poem, by kathy)
We only had one. It was her.
The sole survivor of the bunch.
She's been retrieved.
She "stuck" --- on her mom's, very first try.
She snuggled in deep, held on tight.
She grew.
She stayed.
Little legs.
Ten toes.
Swift heart.
Already a fighter in so many ways..
Then one more thing came along.
Chaos and panic.
The whole world ached --
While she wiggled and slept.
Nothing is promised, every step is magic.
But this little girl, the first of her kind,
Has made it this far, and that is
Nothing is promised, but if dreams do come true,
We'll get to see what she does once she opens her eyes.
Takes her first breath.
And reminds mom and dad everyday,
What a badass she is.
You can catch up on my infertility + pregnancy journey right here...
Healthy Happy Baby:
- Baby (category)
- Sharing My Infertility + IVF Journey
- Pregnant During Coronavirus
- ..more to come! Excited to share this adventure with you.
To the TTC community..
(TTC - trying to conceive) To anyone going through infertility, IVF, secondary infertility, miscarriage, loss or heavy heart of any kind in this arena. I know pregnancy announcements can be extremely triggering. Never forget that you are so worthy of all the joy you are seeking. I am sending you love, hope and healing. I see you. Our TTC stories are all so different, but they unite us just the same.
Marcia says
So happy for you and your husband! Let me tell you right now that August babies (esp. girls, of course!) will be perfect! My bd is 8/30 and I've always loved every minute! Suggestions: my mother taught me to celebrate my bd whenever anyone wants to. My record started in May and ended up in October! Also, one month before her bd, she should announce: My bd is one month from today. This will be my only announcement! It worked really great at work!!! Congratulations!!
Kathy Patalsky says
That's awesome! I keep thinking about being a late summer birthday and feel bad, but I like the celebrate whenever idea! haha I will tell her she can celebrate all summer lol - thanks for the love!!
Cici says
YOU'RE PREGNANT!!! 😀 <3 I am so happy & excited for you 🙂 I am sending you all sorts of good vibes. I seriously hope you enjoy being pregnant, it is such an incredible time (even with all the craziness going around focus on the amazement of it all) <3. Oh my gosh and the love you will have for your child, it's surreal! Congratulations a million times over. 😀
Kathy Patalsky says
Thank you so much Cici! That is the sweetest thing. And YES I already love her beyond words. And she's not even kicking me yet. Ha. I wish the world wasn't so crazy right now, but trying to embrace all things HAPPY PREGNANCY. I just posted my first trimester diary and cannot wait to share an official baby bump soon. Thank you for the love. Means so much. xoxox
Melissa says
So so so happy for you!! Wonderful news! Great to hear something so happy with all the depressing news surrounding us now.
Kathy Patalsky says
Thank you so much Melissa! Glad and grateful to be able to share some HAPPY with all that's going on. xoxo
Andy says
Kathy Patalsky says
thank you Andy!
Kathy Patalsky says
Just wanted to quickly say thank you for all the lovely comments here, on facebook and especially on my instagram post Seriously in tears from all the love + support. So appreciated right now. xo
Leana says
Congratulations! Thanks for sharing your happy news.
Leana says
Congratulations! Thanks for sharing your happy news.
Kathy Patalsky says
Thank you so much Leana!
Victoria says
Hey Kathy! BIG congratulations to you and your husband on your long-awaited pregnancy finally coming to fruition! I'm so happy for you both. I hope the rest of your pregnancy and delivery go smoothly and that you enjoy the heck out of your sweet, lucky baby girl. BIG hug and kiss from Southern Oregon.
Kathy Patalsky says
Thank you so much Victoria! Thank you for those positive wishes! Means so much right now! 🙂
KEIS says
Kathy Patalsky says
Thank you!!
7iThor says
Yay Kathy!! I don’t know you but I’ve followed your website for quite a few years so I kind of feel like I do know you so this news makes me very happy. I can tell by the way that you talk about your cats and how you do things and your overall kindness and thoughtfulness that you’re going to be an amazing mother. Enjoy this time. You’ll have some incredible stories to tell her when she gets here. Congratulations ❤️
Kathy Patalsky says
Thank you so much! I definitely think that having kitties lets me bring out my mothering side. they are my babies! Very excited for them to have a human baby sister soon. 🙂
Jacq says
Yayayayayayay so so so happy for you!!! Congratulations!!
Kathy Patalsky says
thank you thank you! <3
ska4me says
So happy for you. As a (stay-at-home) father of three, I can only hope parenthood is as rewarding for you as it has been for me and my wife. Congratulations!
Kathy Patalsky says
So excited for this new adventure! Thank you! 🙂
Hilde Broeckx says
Wishing you all the best xx
Kathy Patalsky says
thank you so much!
Aimee Brimmer says
This brought a huge smile to my face and heart! I am truly happy for you! (((hugs)))
Kathy Patalsky says
Oh good!! I'm so glad. And thank you thank you <3
Margaret says
Soooo happy for you Kathy!! Congrats!!!
Kathy Patalsky says
Thank you so much Margaret! <3