Alrighty, second trimester recap!
Today I am looking back on my second trimester of pregnancy. Aka, what is usually known as the "feel good" trimester. While it was filled with so much goodness, it was anything but ordinary during such a crazy-historic time.
In this post I'll be sharing how I've been staying busy, my low energy issues and how this crazy pandemic trimester has been for me!...
Wild ride Indeed.
They say pregnancy is an intense period of life. Well, yeah....
I'm currently sitting in my office chair, typing this post, feeling little baby kicks. My fave thing EVER.
I have my fave maternity overalls on, aka when I look like a kangaroo according to my husband, and the warm 85 degree air is wafting through the window. Birds chirping. I'm sipping some rooibos tea and the kitties are fast asleep in their snuggly spots while my husband bounces around work calls.
The sun is shining and I cannot wait to go play in it - eventually. Someday, again. But for now, this trimester .... this pregnancy ... has mostly been experienced through the looking glass. The world outside seeming so close, yet so far away.
Catch Up!
Some posts I have shared since my first trimester recap...
- 30 Pregnancy Essentials: My List
- 20 week bumpdate
- 26 weeks bumpdate
Second Trimester
Read my First Trimester Recap Here
My second trimester started in mid February and ended on May 28th. So my "happy trimester" was smack dab in the middle of the COVID-19 drama, lockdowns, quarantines and scary vibes.
But I had a few weeks of freedom...
Those first two weeks of trimester two I went out for walks - finally! My insane nausea and vomiting had finally passed and I could eat! Move! Glow from something other than nausea sweat!
Plus, I saw a friend!
I had one coffee date with a girlfriend and actually got to talk about being pregnant in person! It was so exciting. I couldn't wait for the coming weeks. The baby moon. The baby shower planning. The shopping at cute baby stores. The nesting. The soaking in sunshine with my expanding belly. Beach days. Our last movie nights as a child-free couple.
COVID-19 Lockdowns.
Then shit hit the fan, and everyone was on lockdown. I remember pacing back and forth the night LA went on lockdown. I hadn't announced my pregnancy yet so I felt all bottled up. Suddenly people were stockpiling toilet paper and hand sanitizer and face masks. And I couldn't find flour or yeast or tofu or chickpeas on Amazon PrimeNow.
Our very last in-person grocery shop was met with empty shelves. The entire freezer section - even the veggies - frozen corn! - peas! - vanished.
This happy pregnant lady was shook.
But like all things in pregnancy, you deal with it.
Physical Symptoms: Trimester Two
My negative symptoms from trimester one were gone by week 16-ish. Suddenly I felt like myself again - mostly because I could EAT again. OMG, how I missed eating. Eating meant energy, glow, wellness, happy emotions and growth!
Energy Problems
The one health issue that still plagued me in trimester two was fatigue. Episodes of heavy fatigue that stopped me in my tracks. These were not new for me in pregnancy. But pregnancy made them worse. Triggers included overdoing it and any sort of cardio.
Nothing helped. Not naps, more sleep, bed rest, salt, water, food.
Was it just pregnancy fatigue???
Probably a little. I mean, I was pooped my entire first trimester. But also, I have thyroid issues (Hashimoto's) and then there was my whole low ferritin thing. so my energy status can easily be all over the map. But the my thryoid settled. I had more energy in general, so my rock bottom ferritin was something for my doctor to look closely at.
While I have never been anemic, my ferritin has been low the past few years. I don't want to get too detailed about health stuff, because you really need to talk to your own doctor and every person is so unique - but I will say that I discovered two BIG things for me this trimester.
One. I found out my low ferritin isn't from my vegan diet. This comes from my doctors and a new puzzle piece of info. I found out that a very close family member - who eats a mainstream diet - has had the exact same low ferritin issue as me. Genes!
The second thing I confirmed: I feel WAY better when my ferritin isn't rock bottom. So long story short, in trimester two, I had a very low dose iron transfusion. It brought my ferritin from six to fifty-five.
So while "normal" ferritin is anywhere from 11-307 according the MayoClinic, for me, getting those numbers up have made a world of difference. My energy actually feels like - ME - again.
Low iron issues can affect anyone during pregnancy. Vegan or not. Don't judge. Don't feel shame. Talk to your doctor and get some help. OD-ing on supplements and iron-rich foods just may not work for some people. Again, vegan or not.
World changed.
Disclaimer: Do not ever self-diagnose here!! Talk to your doctor. Always consult your doctor when you feel off. And also don't give up! If something feels off, keep looking for the answer. And don't ever feel like it's your fault. I tried everything on my own, but I just needed the one transfusion to give me a boost. No shame. No guilt. So grateful.
The Happy Trimester
This was the trimester with all the big plans! Plans that would never happen. Baby moon. Road trips. Our last hurrahs as a kid-free couple. Baby shower with friends. Getting out into the world.
But instead, it was just a whole lot of this....
Grocery washing.
Opening all the windows for fresh air.
Buying everything online.
Cleaning like crazy people.
COVID: How Careful is Too Careful?
In the beginning of T2, everyone was being super careful. But lately, as things open up, there seems to be two sides. Those who don't have to be as strict anymore, and those who do. I am safely on the 'people who do' side of things according to my OB. So quarantine life will continue through T3 and into those first months of being new parents.
Quarantine is my Seatbelt
One person in an online group of mine, called quarantine a seatbelt. We aren't doing this out of fear, but more as a precaution. You hope you will never get in a car accident, but you put your seatbelt on every time. Well, with COVID-19 still out there, doing everything possible to stay well, is our seatbelt.
We've worked so hard to get here, I have no hesitation about my choices.
Luckily, everyone in my circle seems to understand. Thanks guys! I feel just awful for pregnant couples receiving pressure from friends and family who want to see the baby ASAP after it is born.
Please give us time, this whole process has been intense for us and we are all just doing the best we can.
The worst part for me has been attending doctor's appointments alone. Facetime can't replace that feeling of seeing your baby's face on the screen together.
COVID + Pregnant Women: Why I'm Careful..
There are still so many unknowns about this virus but really the three main things for me are..
- Moms in labor get a COVID test and if you have COVID when you give birth they will keep you from your baby (for good reason) for two weeks or longer. I cannot even imagine that happening.
- Some studies have shown that pregnant women who have had COVID have placenta issues.
- Scary COVID news about how kids can in fact become very sick - NY Times.
So yeah, "stuck" at home is really "safe" at home.
COVID Rant Over
Geez, sorry this whole post has turned into a health + virus update, but that's pretty much been life the past few months, lol.
This hasn't been easy, but honestly, I feel stronger than ever. More capable than ever to protect my baby. Pandemic babies and mamas are already stronger than we know. We got this.
Super hero pose all day...
Staying Busy in Trimester Two
So despite being safe at home, here are some things that have been keeping me busy + happy...
- Cooking!! With my appetite back, I have been cooking up a storm. We haven't ordered takeout since February and I am loving every second of it. Baking, cooking, blogging, yes and yes.
- Baby Kicks. Fave past time? Sitting down and feeling baby kicks, squirms and even a few hiccups. Love getting to know her wake queues and love when she's wiggling around.
- Nesting! Yup, nesting alllllll day long.
- Online Shopping! Shopping for baby and putting together our registry (even without a traditional shower) has been a good distraction.
- Peloton! Obsessed. It has kept me sane, healthy and happy being indoors. I don't know what I would have done without it. If you are curious about a Peloton, you can use my code to get $100 off your bike: code MXRYC3. If you already have one, follow me! I’m KatGirl19.
- Kitties! Spending extra time with the kittens has felt really special. I love these goobers so much.
- Socializing. Texting + posting. I think despite all it's problems, social media is such a POSITIVE thing overall. Sharing our life experiences, voices and unique POVs brings us closer and widens our perspectives - and I'm all for it.
- Self-Care. I love time for doing facials, body oil and keeping myself pampered. I would love a maternity massage right about now, but oh well.
Um, that's it. I cook, clean, eat, workout, play with cats, scroll on my phone, take photos, edit them, write for work, write for happiness, text with friends, and repeat.
Second Trimester Photography
Trimester Two was also my photo trimester! With my bump finally showing up around week 19-20, I started to take lots of photos. Here are a few more from my journey thus far....
See my 20 week bumpdate post here for all the photos.
26 weeks...
Nearing the end of my second trimester with a happy heart and fuller belly..
And then came trimester three!...
Week 28 rolled around and suddenly I was in the home stretch. My 29 week pregnancy photos...

So that's a wrap on trimester two!
I am SO excited to embrace these coming ten weeks and move closer to meeting the little person squiming inside my belly. We love her SO MUCH already! xoxoxo
Hope you are all staying well. Sending thanks and hugs for following my journey here on the blog. ~ K